Talk to your veterinarian to see if Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Supplements for Cats Multi Care Feline Supplement could benefit your cat. Featuring probiotics for cats and an antioxidant, this 2-in-1, multi-active daily blend helps support your cat’s digestive and immune health. With a prebiotic and probiotic blend, this formula offers your cat digestive support, including supporting microbiome health, while promoting immune health. More than simply a digestive cat supplement, this formula also includes an antioxidant to support a healthy immune system. With its great taste, your cat will love this cat health supplement powder, and you’ll love that it’s easy to serve and has ingredients that help digestive and immune health. Contact your veterinarian about this digestive and immune system powder for cats today.

  • Great tasting, easy-to-use supplements for cats featuring multi-active blends that proactively support digestive and immune health
  • Contains a prebiotic and probiotic blend to support digestive and immune health cat health
  • Gut blend with a prebiotic fiber and probiotics for cats to support digestive and microbiome health while an antioxidant promotes a strong immune system
  • This Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Supplements for Cats Multi Care Feline Supplement is proudly produced in USA facilities 
Active Ingredients per 1.0 g sachet 
Inulin 315 mg
Vitamin E 15 mg 
Bacillus coagulans 2  x 10 8 CFU/g

Inactive Ingredients: Liver flavor


For use in cats only. 
Recommended to promote gut and immune health. 

Directions for Use 
Administer one packet daily or as directed by your veterinarian

Multi Care Feline Health Supplement - 1 box (30 sachets)

Purina® Pro Plan® Veterinary Supplements

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Talk to your veterinarian to see if Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Supplements for Cats Multi Care Feline Supplement could benefit your cat. Featuring probiotics for cats and an antioxidant, this 2-in-1, multi-active daily blend helps support your cat’s digestive and immune health. With a prebiotic and probiotic blend, this formula offers your cat digestive support, including supporting microbiome health, while promoting immune health. More than simply a digestive cat supplement, this formula also includes an antioxidant to support a healthy immune system. With its great taste, your cat will love this cat health supplement powder, and you’ll love that it’s easy to serve and has ingredients that help digestive and immune health. Contact your veterinarian about this digestive and immune system powder for cats today.

  • Great tasting, easy-to-use supplements for cats featuring multi-active blends that proactively support digestive and immune health
  • Contains a prebiotic and probiotic blend to support digestive and immune health cat health
  • Gut blend with a prebiotic fiber and probiotics for cats to support digestive and microbiome health while an antioxidant promotes a strong immune system
  • This Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Supplements for Cats Multi Care Feline Supplement is proudly produced in USA facilities 
Active Ingredients per 1.0 g sachet 
Inulin 315 mg
Vitamin E 15 mg 
Bacillus coagulans 2  x 10 8 CFU/g

Inactive Ingredients: Liver flavor


For use in cats only. 
Recommended to promote gut and immune health. 

Directions for Use 
Administer one packet daily or as directed by your veterinarian